Ever Fermin Luis Jimon
Ref# PT0232

About Me
My name is Ever Fermin Luis Jimon. I'm a 5-year-old.

My birthday is
June 12, 2019.
Attends Program

Pasojoc III

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello, it is a pleasure to greet you. My name is Ever Fermin Luis Jimon. I am 5 years old, and I attend school this year as a kindergartener. In my free time I love to play with my cousins. I live with my mother and father and my sisters. My mom’s name is Julia Esperanza Jimon Barrera. She is a stay-at-home mom, and she works hard to take care of the housework. My father is Rafael Luis Ildefonso. He is a day laborer and farmer. This is how he makes a living so he can support my family. At home we grow corn for the family to eat. I want to inform you that I am not in good health currently. I am suffering from urinary problems. I have been diagnosed, but I need to see a Urologist and possibly have an operation done. We are praying for the resources to be able to get the medical help I need. Please pray for my health. 

I love attending the feeding program each week. I want to say that everything Living Water does for us is a huge blessing from the meals to the medicine and even the Christmas celebration. My favorite part about the Christmas celebration is getting a very nice gift. It is a wonderful blessing. I also love when they serve fried chicken at the program. It is my favorite meal. My family attends Charismatic Renovation Church where my mom is a leader. I want to let you know that my grandmother shared this information with a LW evangelism teacher who visited us. My grandmother is also very secure in her faith, and she was encouraged by the LW teacher to continue moving forward toward the Lord. We are very grateful for this. I say goodbye now and I hope you enjoyed reading about me. I wish you good health and many blessings in Jesus’ name.

Hugs and kisses,

Ever Fermin Luis Jimon

Translated by: Olivia Gallardo / Missionary Internship – Guatemala