Adolfo Omar Garcia Ruiz
Ref# CA1767

About Me
My name is Adolfo Omar Garcia Ruiz. I'm a 8-year-old.

My birthday is
November 10, 2015.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

It is a beautiful day to greet you hoping you are doing great; God bless you! I am so happy to tell you that my family and I attend Catholic Church, and we go on Mondays. This time LW staff gave encouraged us to continue seeking God and trust our salvation in Him; we appreciate this so much. My father is Pedro Garcia Simaj, and he is 40 years old. He makes a living by farming the land and day laboring. Furthermore, he goes to work by cutting sugar cane on the coast from October to May; in this way, he supports the family. My mother is Juana Ruiz Morente, and she is 37 years old. She works hard at home and weaves typical clothes for selling and getting income. She also raises hens for selling when we have some need. At home, we grow corn and coffee beans just for our consumption. There is also a peach tree, and we sell the fruits to get income. By the grace of God my family and I are healthy.

This is Adolfo Omar Garcia Ruiz, and I am 7 years old. I am a first-grade student, and since I receive classes at school the learning is better. My parents are striving to cover all school expenses, and sometimes it is very hard for them to give me money for snacks. My native language is K'iche´ Mayan dialect, and I would like to learn to speak Spanish because I would like to communicate better with other people. My favorite sport is football, so when I grow up, I would like to become a football player. I love drinking Coca-Cola. Being hugged by my family on my birthday is something I love; they make me feel so special. I enjoy Christmas time because my mother cooks “tamales” (a typical dish) and we eat them at Christmas Eve dinner. We are so grateful to you and Living Water for the tasty meals, and medical attention in the clinics. It is a big blessing for us. My family needs groceries, corn, and clothes. Hoping you like my letter and that I hear from you very soon. Many and rich blessings!

Lots of love,

Adolfo Omar Garcia Ruiz

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala