Haide del Rosario Equila de Leon
Ref# ZA4512

About Me
My name is Haide del Rosario Equila de Leon. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
October 7, 2011.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

First, thank you so much for taking the time to read my update. I am Haide del Rosario, and I am glad to share a little about my life with you. I hope you find it engaging. My family and I attend the Catholic Church. We usually attend mass on Thursdays or Sundays. I want to use this moment to ask for your prayers for my mother because she has health problems. Her name is Astri De Leon, and she is 29 years old. She suffers from cysts in her womb, kidney problems, and gallstones. Fortunately, she is already under medical treatment. My father is Jhovani Equila and he is 32 years old. Luckily, his health condition is good. He works hard with my mom by selling different products to support our family. Everything is expensive nowadays, so my parents have trouble covering my school needs and buying groceries, especially corn.

I am eleven years old and I am healthy. My favorite drink is Gatorade. I love soccer, so I would like to become a soccer player when I am older. I am in fifth grade and I prefer to receive face-to-face classes. That study method is the most helpful since teachers take more time to explain the lessons better. Christmas is the perfect time to receive gifts, so I love that holiday. Learning how to speak the K’iche dialect catches my attention. I hope to do it someday. I will have my birthday in October. What I love the most is having a delicious cake to celebrate with my family. To end this letter, I want you to know that I am grateful to LW for all the spiritual and material support that I receive. A teacher of the evangelism team spoke with my father to collect my news for you. He also encouraged my father to continue trusting in the Almighty. I say goodbye to you for now, but I wish many blessings for you.

In the name of Jesus,

Haide del Rosario Equila de Leon

Translated by: Hillary Popol / AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala