Jonathan Fernando Medio Mendez
Ref# DU2219

About Me
My name is Jonathan Fernando Medio Mendez. I'm a 15-year-old.

My birthday is
December 1, 2008.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I am glad to greet you through this letter. I am also excited to share my information with you, so I hope you like it. My name is Jonathan Fernando Medio Mendez, and I am 15 years old. I am enrolled in seventh grade again at a night school in my town. I like weekends because I can rest and watch TV. Let me tell you that LW has blessed my family and me with delicious food, medicines, and many other different ways. I love having delicious lunches at the feeding program. My favorite food is Bolognese spaghetti. My siblings and I receive Christmas gifts at LW at the end of the year. That makes me so happy!

I live with my father, two younger siblings, and my oldest brother and his family. Fortunately, everybody is in good health. My father is unemployed at the moment. However, he tries to sell fruits at the market to earn an income. My oldest brother helps us with the expenses and needs at home. My mom does not live with us because she traveled to the United States to help us economically. She is in good health and makes a living in a place where they make and sell tamales. I ask you to pray for my whole family, especially for the life of my mom. Since she traveled to that country, we have done all the tasks she used to do at home, like cleaning. We have two cute dogs and one cat at home as pets. We also raise one hen for our consumption. My family and I appreciate the LW staff. They shared the gospel and encouraged us to attend church again. Because of a lack of time, we stopped doing it. I say goodbye to you now, but I hope to hear from you soon.

King Regards, 

Jonathan Fernando Medio Mendez

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary/Antigua Guatemala