Nataly Pamela Gomez Tzoy
Ref# CC1328

About Me
My name is Nataly Pamela Gomez Tzoy. I'm a 13-year-old.

My birthday is
February 5, 2011.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! This is Nataly Pamela Gomez Tzoy, and I am writing this to update my information for 2023. First, I will tell you about my family. My father’s name is Baldomero, and he is 33 years old. He works in a hardware store in Zacualpa town. My mother’s name is Ana, and she is 32 years old. She is a housewife and raises domestic animals for selling. My parents are in good health. We attend church on Wednesday and Saturday, and we are assured of our salvation. LW Evangelism team has encouraged us to continue trusting in God. We have hens and turkeys, and we sell them when we need money. We do not have crops because we do not have a piece of land to do it. We live in my paternal grandfather’s house. We are a humble family, and at the moment, our needs are groceries and corn.

Now, I want to tell you about me. I am 12 years old, and I am healthy. I am in 6th grade, and I am learning more this year since I am attending school in person. I am studying in my village, so the school expenses are not very high. I want to become a teacher in the future. My favorite year’s celebration is Christmas because we share “tamales and ponche” with the family, and we light fireworks. I enjoy a delicious lunch and cake for my birthday. It would be incredible to learn English someday. I prefer soccer as a sport, and I love drinking pineapple sodas. Living Water is very important for me because I am blessed with food and gifts at the feeding program. I hope you find my letter interesting.

All the best

Nataly Pamela Gomez Tzoy

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio/A-A-C Secretary, Antigua Guatemala