Estefany Carolina de la Cruz Morente
Ref# CH4236

About Me
My name is Estefany Carolina de la Cruz Morente. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
June 6, 2015.
Attends Program


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My Story

Hello! How are you? I am Estefany Carolina, and I will take this opportunity to tell you how my family and I are doing this 2023. First let’s talk about my loved ones. My father’s name was Agustin, and sadly, he passed away some years ago. My mother’s name is Rosa, and she is 41 years old. She is in good health and struggles to support us. She works hard at home and raises domestic animals for selling. Fortunately, she receives economic support from my brother who is in the United States. We are a humble family, and our needs are groceries and corn. We have hens and pigs at home, and we grow corn, black beans, “guisquil” and sugar cane for our consumption. We are still members of a Methodist Church, and we attend it twice a week. We have accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, and we are assured of our salvation.

Thankfully, I am healthy, and my favorite sport is track and field. I am 8 years old, and I want to have my own farm when I am older. I have to improve my Spanish since my maternal language is Quiche dialect. I do not attend school, so I keep at home helping my mother with the chores. My family does not celebrate my birthday due to our economic situation, but I dream to receive a surprise gift on my special day. My personal tastes are strawberry juice as a beverage and winter as a season; it is a beautiful time because I can run in the rain. Living Water and you have been a great blessing not only for me but for my whole family. I pray God blesses you in a big way. I say goodbye to you for now.

Warm greetings

Estefany Carolina De La Cruz Morente

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio/A-A-C Secretary, Antigua Guatemala