Cristian Danilo Alonzo Ortiz
Ref# TU3184

About Me
My name is Cristian Danilo Alonzo Ortiz. I'm a 8-year-old.

My birthday is
December 15, 2015.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Tunajá is a very primitive area of the state of Quiché, Guatemala.  The inhabitants are Quiché Indians who trace their ancestral roots to the ancient Mayan civilization.  The prevalent language is the Indian dialect - Quiché.  The people are either farmers or shepherds and live off the fruits of their labors.  Very little money ever changes hands as they use a barter system.  Public education is available - however, most families cannot afford it.  Electricity and running water are not available in most of the area.  Life in Tunajá is extremely difficult.


I am glad to say hello for the first time. I hope you are doing great in your country. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Cristian Danilo Alonzo Ortiz. I am the son of Gregorio Alonzo Velásquez and Dominga Ortiz Castro. I have five brothers and three sisters. My father struggles to support us as a farmer or as a day laborer. My mother is a housewife, but she also helps with the expenses by working as a day laborer too. We attend the Full Gospel Church. All my family enjoys good health. Our greatest necessity is food.

I was born on December 15, 2015. I will turn 9 years old this year. I am attending school, and I am in the 2nd grade. My favorite animal is the rabbit. I like red. I love eating fried chicken. In my free time, I play soccer. I enjoy attending the feeding program and I usually go with my siblings. We walk for around two hours to be there. We live in a humble three-room house with a separate kitchen. My mother is the owner. It is made of adobe, tin sheet roof and dirt floor. We have our own natural spring and use a solar panel for light. Some of the domestic animals that we have are chickens and pigs. Well, before I finish, I want you to know that my mother gave all this information to the LW team for you. Thank you for taking the time to read this and especially for loving me from the distance. I pray for the Lord to bless you every other way wherever you are. I send you my love and many kisses and hugs.


Best rewards,

Cristian Danilo Alonzo Ortiz


Translated by: Mireya de Sandoval, AAC Secretary / Antigua