Fatima Alejandra Galicia Reyes
Ref# DU2577

About Me
My name is Fatima Alejandra Galicia Reyes. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
December 5, 2011.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Dueñas, where your child lives, is a small farming village located at the foot of one of Guatemala's active volcanoes, Fuego (Fire). The fertile ground around the village allows for the cultivation of roses and coffee, two of Guatemala's largest exports. Most of the families in this area live in one or two room wooden or adobe houses with tin roofs. Electricity is available to those who can afford it. Running water is available - however, most homes do not have indoor plumbing. Public education is available for those who can afford it and consider education of value. Life in Dueñas is quiet and sometimes difficult.


It is a blessing to say hello to you through this letter. Before introducing myself, I want you to know that I appreciate you so much for taking the time to read my information. This is Fatima Alejandra Galicia Reyes, and I was born on December 5, 2011. I am 12 years old and my favorite color is sky-blue. Fortunately, I am in sixth grade and everything has gone well at school. There are many beautiful animals, but my favorite one is the lion. I have a lovely family and by the grace of the Lord, we are all healthy. I am the oldest child in my family. My father is Luis Armando Galicia Pamal.  He strives to supply all that we need to survive. He goes to Antigua Guatemala and works as a mason while my mom dedicates her time to looking after my two sisters and me. Her name is Maria Odalia Reyes Cutzal, and she prepares delicious meals. My sisters and I love spaghetti.


I attend the Catholic Church in Duenas town alongside my family. We praise the Lord because my grandfather allows us to live in one of his two houses. His name is Isidro Galicia and he lives with my grandmother in another town called Ciudad Vieja. Half of the house where we live is made of tin sheets and concrete blocks with concrete floors. Fortunately, it has running water and electricity at home. My parents pay for those services monthly. There are three rooms and a separate kitchen at the house, but we only use one room as a bedroom and the kitchen. Let me tell you that we need to buy two new beds, but we lack enough resources to do it. So, I beg you to pray for us. I will leave you now, but I want you to know that I am delighted to be part of LW-Adopt A Child because I can enjoy delicious food there. Luckily, my house is about a ten-minute walk from the feeding program. See you later!


Cordiality yours,


Fatima Alejandra Galicia Reyes


Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary /Antigua Guatemala