Pabla Calachij Morente
Ref# CC1625

About Me
My name is Pabla Calachij Morente. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
February 5, 2014.
Attends Program

Cuatro Caminos

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Warm greetings and blessings from Guatemala. My name is Pabla Calachij Morente. I am 10 years old now, and I am attending school in the morning cohort as a second grader. Unfortunately, I had to repeat 2nd grade this year. After school, I help my mother with the house chores. In my free time, I like to play with my dolls. Let me tell you a little bit about my parents. My mom is Maria Morente. She takes care of the house, and she is also a weaver. She contributes to our family income by raising and selling animals, such as hens and sheep. For our own consumption, we grow corn, and we have a cow. My father’s name is Camilo Calachij. He works as a farmer, and he will go to the coast later this year to harvest coffee and clean the plantations.

We are very grateful for the support Living Water offers us. They have blessed us with food and medicine without a single cost. My favorite meal from the program is the fried chicken. My favorite part of the Christmas celebration is receiving a gift from Living Water. We don’t have lights at home, so we use candles when it gets dark, but we are grateful that we are all doing well and in good health. My family does not attend a church currently, but we are grateful that the LW evangelism teacher shared the gospel with us and encouraged us to seek the Lord. I want to tell you that my father shared this information with a LW evangelism teacher. Thank you for taking the time to read about me. I wish you many blessings and much love.

Many kisses and big hugs,

Pabla Calachij Morente

Translated by: Olivia Gallardo / Missionary Internship – Guatemala