Alicia Elida Toj Garcia
Ref# CA1942

About Me
My name is Alicia Elida Toj Garcia. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
February 15, 2013.
Attends Program


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Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! This is a blessed day to greet you in the name of Jesus hoping you and your family are doing fineI hope you enjoy reading my updated 2024 information because it is specially for you with all my love.  

About me: I am Alicia Elida Toj Garcia and I am 11 years old. I am a healthy girl. Thankfully, I studied the 3rd grade at school this year and I attended in the mornings. I spend my weekend doing the homework from schoolLW Ministries has blessed my family and my life through the delicious meals for lunch. I like to eat the rice with chicken that they cook. Moreover, I have been blessed with medicines in the medical clinic. I enjoyed receiving my special gift and every activity during the Christmas celebration at the Feeding Center in December. 

About my family: We are members of the Assembly of God called Prince of Peace and we believe in God. The LW teacher encouraged my mother to continue seeking God during the visit and she is assured of her salvation. My mother`s name is Estela Garcia De La Cruz. She is a healthy woman. She is a housewife and she raises hens and pigs to sell and get some income in order to cover our home expenses because she is the only one that supports us financially. Moreover, the domestic animals are for our consumptionI would like to ask for your prayers for my whole family. This is all for now. I send you many blessings! (My mother provided this information to the Evangelism teacher) 

Huge hugs, 

Alicia Elida Toj Garcia 

Translated by:  Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary