I am happy to greet you. I hope you are receiving many blessings from our Lord. My full name is Diego Agustin Lares Coj, and I am writing this letter to tell you my news. Thankfully, I am a healthy 11-year-old boy. I am in fifth grade. I have classes in the morning and do homework in the afternoon. I like weekends because I help my father with his work in the field. We cultivate corn for our consumption. My father makes a living as a farmer and day laborer to support our family economically. My mom is a housewife and keeps busy raising hens to sell. She does her best to help my father with the expenses. Fortunately, they are in good health. I ask you to pray so that my family and I keep doing well. In advance, thank you so much! We live with my uncle and aunt at their home. We share the household expenses with them.
My family and I attend King of the Centuries Church. I am glad because my mom and I accepted Jesus some years ago. My aunt and I appreciate that a teacher from the LW evangelism team encouraged us to move forward and seek God. I am so blessed to receive delicious food at the feeding program. My favorite food is fried chicken. The LW staff organizes a Christmas party every year. I like the Christmas songs and games the most. To end this letter, I thank you so much for trusting in this project. May God bless you bountifully!
Kind regards,
Diego Agustin Lares Coj
Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala