Jose Victor Garcia Luis
Ref# CA1778

About Me
My name is Jose Victor Garcia Luis. I'm a 7-year-old.

My birthday is
December 8, 2017.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I am Jose Victor, and I greet you with much love hoping you are fine. I am writing you this letter with my mother’s help; we gave all this information to the Evangelism team. I am 6 years old, and I am in good health. I am attending school in the morning, and I am in kindergarten II this year. I enjoy playing on weekends. I have been blessed with medicine at LW clinics, and I have also received delicious lunches. My favorite one is fried chicken. Christmas celebration is a beautiful celebration held at the program, and I enjoy it a lot.

As a family, we attend a Prince of Peace Pentecostal Church, and we are assured of our Salvation. I would like to ask for your prayers for my siblings and me so that we can do a good job at school. We raise pigs and hens for selling and improving the income. We also grow corn for our consumption. My parents are both in good health. My father works as a farmer, and my mother works hard at home and looks after the family. I end my letter sending you my best wishes.

Cordially yours

Jose Victor Garcia Luis

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala