Luisa Guadalupe Lopez Guaran
Ref# DU2472

About Me
My name is Luisa Guadalupe Lopez Guaran. I'm a 10-year-old.

My birthday is
December 5, 2013.
Attends Program


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Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! This is Luisa Guadalupe, and I am excited to share my news with you through this letter. Before doing it, I want you to know that my mom and I gave all this information to a teacher of LW. We are grateful to him for sharing the gospel and encouraging us to attend a church since we do not do it at the moment. My mom is Maria Angelica Guaran Garcia, and she is 27 years old. She is a healthy housewife. My father is Luis Antonio Lopez Yol, and he is 27 years old. He is a healthy man who works as a farmer to support our family. He does his best, but his income is barely enough to cover our needs. Therefore, I would love to count on your prayers for us.

As for me, I want you to know that I am a 9-year-old healthy girl. This year, I was in third grade. I prefer to receive face-to-face classes because it helps me to learn and understand the lessons much better. Besides that, I enjoy playing with my friends at recess. My dreams are to become a doctor and speak English. The best holiday for me is Christmas because it is a cheerful time and I have vacation. I like drinking Coca-Cola, and my favorite sport is basketball. When my birthday comes, I enjoy receiving hugs from my parents. They would love to do something special to celebrate my day, but they cannot because of a lack of money. To end this letter, I want you to know that LW has been a tremendous blessing for us. I will leave you now, but I hope to hear from you soon. Take care of yourself!

Sincerely yours,

Luisa Guadalupe Lopez Guaran

Translated by: Hillary Popol / AAC Secretary / Antigua