Wesley Eduardo Merida Aguilar
Ref# NE2662

About Me
My name is Wesley Eduardo Merida Aguilar. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
August 27, 2014.
Attends Program

Nueva Esperanza

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! I am glad to greet you through this letter. My full name is Wesley Eduardo Merida Aguilar, and I want to share my news with you. Before starting, I want you to know that my grandmother, Silvia Perez, helped me to write this. I am nine years old and am a healthy boy. I am in first grade again. I have classes at school in the morning. My favorite sport is soccer. I like practicing that sport on weekends. My grandma prepares delicious food, but my favorite is chicken stew. I beg you to pray for my family, especially for my mom. She is in jail. My father passed away some years ago. Therefore, I am under the care of my grandma. She works by cleaning an office to support my needs. She is married to Mr. Rolando Catalino. He works in the cleaning area at La Bodegona supermarket. He helps my grandma economically. I only have one brother, who is four years old.

My family and I attend Treasures of Grace Christian Church. I have been there since I was four years old. My grandma has the privilege to serve at church. She has taught me so much about God. I am glad to be part of LW-Adopt A Child. The staff has shared the gospel with my family and me as an encouragement to remember that God will be with us forever. Besides that, we received grocery bags for the darkest moments of the pandemic. I receive a Christmas gift from good-hearted people like you through the feeding program every year. Beyond the gift, I like feeling loved by the staff and foreign missionaries. I say goodbye to you for now, but I appreciate you reading my letter. See you later!

Kisses and hugs,

Wesley Eduardo Merida Aguilar

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala