Tomasa Geily Elizabeth Barrera Riz
Ref# CA1679

About Me
My name is Tomasa Geily Elizabeth Barrera Riz. I'm a 9-year-old.

My birthday is
November 24, 2015.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! It is a blessing to greet you through this letter. I am Tomasa Geily Elizabeth Barrera Riz, your sponsored child. I am a healthy 8-year-old girl. I am in second grade. I have classes at school in the morning. Taking advantage of this moment, I ask for your prayers so everything goes well at school this year. I am so happy to be part of LW. Thanks to your loving support, I have received delicious food at the feeding program. I love eating beans with sausages there. For Christmastime, the LW staff prepares engaging activities to celebrate. What I love the most are gifts. I like weekends because I have fun playing with my aunts and uncles. As you know, I have lived with my grandparents since I was a baby. They are the ones who cover my needs and expenses. My grandfather works as a farmer. My grandmother looks after me and my youngest uncles and aunts. Thankfully, everybody is doing well.

My biological mother lives in a house which is next to mine. She cannot support me financially because she depends on her current partner economically. My grandparents and I raise sheep, turkeys, and hens at home. We also grow corn and beans for our consumption. We have attended the Charismatic Catholic Church for many years. My grandfather is an active member of the directive board at church. To end this letter, I want you to know that my grandmother is sure about her salvation. She appreciates that a teacher from LW encouraged our family and her to continue seeking God. He also collected all this information to share it with you. May the Lord reward you with assorted blessings for all you have done for me through LW!

With much love,

Tomasa Geily Elizabeth Barrera Riz

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala