Antony Emanuel Gravez Medio
Ref# DU2152

About Me
My name is Antony Emanuel Gravez Medio. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
June 24, 2013.
Attends Program


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Sponsorship Type


My Story

I am so excited to send special greetings through this and I hope our Lord is blessing you!

Praise the Lord my family and I attend Catholic Church; we go on Sundays. We appreciate the encouraging words that LW staff gave us this. My mother is Ingris Yaneth Medio Morales, and she is 30 years old. She works hard at home and watches over me. My father is Basilio Emanuel Gravez Vega, and he is 34 years old. He works as a bus driver in our village to support the family´s needs. My pets are two dogs and a rabbit. Please, I want to ask for your prayers for me because I recently got sick with pneumonia and my health is not stable. Fortunately, I am taking medicines and I trust that our God is healing me. My parents and sister are fine.

I am Antony Emanuel Gravez Medio, and I am 10 years old. I attend 4th grade; I receive face-to-face classes which is better to comprehend the lessons. Nowadays, the economic situation is not good, and it has been difficult for my parents to cover the home and school expenses. I would like to continue with my studies and become a doctor someday. English is very interesting, and I would like to learn it. I do not like rainy days, so I prefer the summer season because I can do things outside. My favorite drink is orange juice. I get so excited when my birthday comes, and my family prepares a special dinner for me. Let me tell you that my favorite sport is football, and I enjoy playing with my friends. I take this opportunity to give endless thanks for all support I receive from you through Living Water; the meals are a great blessing for me and my parents. As a family, our priority needs are groceries, and resources to cover the home services. I hope to receive news from you very soon. May God bless you greatly!

Hugs with much love,

Antony Emanuel Gravez Medio

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala