Levin Alexis Gomez Otzin
Ref# DU2248

About Me
My name is Levin Alexis Gomez Otzin. I'm a 16-year-old.

My birthday is
March 17, 2008.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! It is a pleasure to greet you and I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day.  I want to share some news about my family and me through this letter. I am Levin Alexis Gomez Otzin and I am 16 years old. I am a healthy boy. Thankfully, I am in 8th grade at school this year and I go to study every night from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. I spend my weekend by playing soccer. I accepted Jesus 3 years ago.  I enjoy attending the Dueñas Feeding Program because I learn about God`s word and they feed us delicious meals. I like to eat the noodles that they serve there. I want to let you know that I enjoyed the special activities during the Christmas celebration at the Feeding Center in December. My family is grateful for every benefit that I receive from the Ministry.

My mother`s name is Aneyda Yesenia Otzin Geronimo. She lives with us and she is in good health. She accepted Jesus in her heart 7 years ago. At the moment, she works in an ice cream shop in order to support us financially. My father`s name is Henry Levin Gomez Cancinos. He lives with the family. He is in good health. He accepted Jesus in his heart 7 years ago.  Nowadays, he continues working as a mason and he provides for our needs. I ask for your prayers for protection and guidance from God over my family. We continue attending the Foursquare Church from Dueñas. My older brother serves God as a Bible teacher. The LW team shared the gospel and encouraged us to continue seeking God. I hope you enjoy my letter and may God bless you greatly! (My brother Hamerson provided this information to the Evangelism Teachers)

Lots of love,

Levin Alexis Gomez Otzin

Translated by:  Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary