Jessica Gonzalez Simaj
Ref# TU2618

About Me
My name is Jessica Gonzalez Simaj. I'm a 12-year-old.

My birthday is
August 23, 2012.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

It is my pleasure to greet you in the name of Jesus and I hope you are fine alongside your lovely family! Praise the Lord my family and I attend Catholic Church; we go twice per week. my mother has accepted Jesus in her heart. My mother is Josefina Simaj Jimon, and she is 52 years old. She is a weaver and usually stays busy weaving typical blouses to sell besides taking care of my youngest siblings. She also raises hens. My father is Sebastian Gonzalez Morente, and he is 56 years old. He is employed as both a farmer and a day laborer. Furthermore, he goes to pick coffee beans on the coast for three months to get more income. Moreover, he grows corn and black beans for our consumption. My family and I are quite well, by the grace of God.

I am Jessica Gonzalez Simaj, and I am 11 years old. I attend 4th grade; I receive classes at school which is better for my learning, and I also can play with my classmates. I appreciate the effort that my parents make to support me at school even though they do not have a good income. I want to continue with my studies because I would like to be a nurse and get a good job. The English language catches my attention, so I want to learn it. My favorite drink is coffee because it is delicious. About sports, my favorite is tennis. I love Christmas. We eat “tamales” (a typical dish) and I light some firecrackers with my siblings; we have a lot of fun. On my birthday, I love that my family prepares a small party for me; they love me a lot. For my siblings and me, it is a great blessing to receive a plate of food in the feeding program; it is so helpful for my family. We are a big and humble family, and we are in need of groceries like sugar, noodles, corn and soap. I say goodbye to you for now, but I send much love. Every kind of blessing to you!

Lots of love,

Jessica Gonzalez Simaj

Translated by: Violeta Hernandez / A-A-C Secretary-Antigua Guatemala