Maria Morente Baten
Ref# PA1584

About Me
My name is Maria Morente Baten. I'm a 14-year-old.

My birthday is
July 10, 2010.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! Madrina how are you? I greet you cordially and I wish you many successes in your daily activities. I want to tell you a little about my family and me with this letter in this opportunity.  I hope you enjoy my updated information because it is specially for you with all my love.

About me: I am Maria Morente Baten and I am 14 years old. I am a healthy girl. Unfortunately, I am not studying this year because I am working on the coast as a cook. I travel every two months in order to help my family financially because we are a needy people. LW Ministries has blessed my family and my life through the delicious meals for lunch like the fried chicken that I love eating and with medicines in the medical clinic. I enjoyed receiving the special gift during the Christmas celebration in the Feeding Center in December.

About my family: My mother`s name is Elena Baten Gonzalez. My mother`s name is Elena Baten Gonzalez. She takes care of the family by being a housewife and she continues raising hens for our consumption and thankfully she is in good health. My father`s name is Manuel Morente Ajqui. He is a healthy man and he continues supporting us financially by traveling to the coast every two months. He works in a farm by peeking coffee beans. He comes to visit us and gives us money to cover the family needs. We grow corn and beans for our consumption.  I ask for your prayers for our economic needs because we are a very needy family, my house is made of tin sheets, and we do not have doors. As a family, we are not attending any church. LW teachers shared the gospel with my mother during the visit and she is grateful for their words. Thank you for sponsoring me because you are an important people in my life. I love you so much! (My mother provided this information to the Evangelism teacher)

Huge hugs,

Maria Morente Baten

Translated by:  Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary