Elena Marisol Morente Garcia
Ref# PA0743

About Me
My name is Elena Marisol Morente Garcia. I'm a 21-year-old.

My birthday is
October 31, 2002.
Attends Program


Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

This is Elena, and I feel blessed to update you about my last news. I hope this letter finds you doing well. My family and I attend the Catholic Church. We usually attend mass every Monday. Thankfully, we are all in good health. My father, Domingo Morente, is 47 years old. He works as a farmer and day laborer to support our family. However, it has been complicated for him because he does not have a stable job. We have had trouble buying food supplies, especially corn. Therefore, my mother does her best at home by raising hens and goats to sell and get extra income. Her name is Juana Garcia, and she is 49 years old. We also have pigs and cows. I am twenty years old and my birthday will be in October. When my birthday is approaching, I get excited and look for my favorite clothes to wear them that day.

Nowadays, I dedicate my time to help my mother with the chores. What catches my attention the most is weaving. I hope to become a good weaver someday; I want to make beautiful typical clothes like skirts. My favorite holiday is Christmas because I enjoy watching how people burn fireworks. I love drinking Coca-Cola, and soccer is my favorite sport. If I could learn a new language, I would choose English because it sounds engaging. This all for now about my life, but now I want to tell you a little about LW. We are grateful for this project because of the tasty food that I receive at the feeding program. Besides that, the evangelism team encouraged us to continue trusting in God. I say goodbye to you for now, but I wish you the best. See you later!

Kind regards,

Elena Marisol Morente Garcia

Translated by: Hillary Popol / AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala