Mynor Geovany Najera Linares
Ref# NE2050

About Me
My name is Mynor Geovany Najera Linares. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
November 5, 2012.
Attends Program

Nueva Esperanza

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

I greet you fondly, trusting that you are doing well. I am writing this letter to share my news with you. Before starting, let me tell you that my mom helped me with this. My name is Mynor Geovany Najera Linares, and I am 11 years old. I am in third grade again. I attend school in the afternoon. Fortunately, I am healthy. I love playing soccer on weekends. My favorite food is chicken stew.  My mom and I attend Full Gospel Christian Church. I accepted Jesus as my Savior in 2021. My mom accepted Jesus five years ago. She makes a living as a domestic employee to support my needs. She is under treatment because she was diagnosed with arthritis. She takes two treatments; the first one is to mitigate the pain, and the second one is to reduce the inflammation. For my mom, it has been hard to live with her current health condition; most of the time, she suffers from a lot of pain. Therefore, I would love to count on your prayers for her. 

My oldest brother works as a motor taxi driver. He helps my mom economically so she can buy her medicines since those are expensive. Now, I want to open my heart and tell you about my father. Unfortunately, he abandoned my family and me some years ago. At that time, he had another family. My mom just knew that he has been in jail since 2020. At the moment, we know anything else about him. As for pets, let me tell you that we have two dogs and one chicken. I am glad to be part of Living Water. It has been a blessing to have medical and dental care there. Besides that, my family and I received grocery bags when we needed them the most. Last year, I received a Christmas gift from LW staff at the feeding program; that blessed me a lot. I say goodbye to you for now, but I appreciate you so much for reading my letter. 

Special regards,

Mynor Geovany Najera Linares

Translated by: Hillary Popol, AAC Secretary / Antigua Guatemala