Luis Eduardo Yat Choc
Ref# NE1924

About Me
My name is Luis Eduardo Yat Choc. I'm a 18-year-old.

My birthday is
April 12, 2006.
Attends Program

Nueva Esperanza

Program Country


Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! It is a blessed day to greet you cordially hoping you are doing fine alongside your lovely family. In this opportunity I want to share with you some news about my even though she suffered from a dog bite. Fortunately, she visited the doctor and she is under medical treatment. At the moment, she continues working by selling home-made snacks in order to provide for the family needs. She accepted Jesus in her heart one year ago. My father`s name is Eduardo Yat. He lives with us and he is in good health. Currently, he has different jobs like garbage collector, cleaning in a house, mason helper and he makes plastic baskets to sell and get some income.  As a family, we are attending the Adulam Church. The LW teacher encouraged me to continue seeking God during the visit and I am grateful for their encouraging words. I ask for your prayers for the school expenses of my siblings and health over my family.

About me: I am Luis Eduardo Yat Choc and I am 18 years old. I am a healthy boy. Thankfully, I graduated from my professional career last year. Currently, I am working selling vegetables while I find a stable job.  I spend my weekend by practicing a sport. My favorite meal is beans with cream and “hilachas” (a typical dish). I want to let you know that my family and my life have been blessed by LW Ministries with grocery bags during the time we needed them most and with the dental clinic. I enjoyed the special meal and the affection that I received during the Christmas Celebration in the Feeding Program. My parents and I are grateful for every benefit and all the love that I receive from the Ministry. May God bless you! (I provided this information to the Evangelism teacher)

Huge hugs,

Luis Eduardo Yat Choc

Translated by:  Gladys Chavez/ A-A-C Secretary